The Mandalorian: Our favourite moments of season two

Season 2 spoilers ahead!

It’s safe to say Disney Plus has blown it out of the water with The Mandalorian. In my humble opinion, it’s breathed life into, and rejuvenated the Star Wars universe, bringing everything fans love into one concise, action-packed series that leaves you begging for more at the end of each and every episode. 

Season two was a roller coaster of awe from the offset, from the introduction of Boba Fett to the kidnapping of Baby Yoda (do I have to call him Grogu?), rounded off with Mando’s hit squad being saved by an unlikely ally. There have been some pretty awesome moments so far in Din Djarin’s journey, a lot coming from the latest season, so let’s take a look at some of our favourites. 

Timothy Olyphant and Fett’s armour

Anyone else get Wild West vibes in Tatooine’s desolate, shanty-style town of Mos Pelgo? 

I might have Timothy Olyphant’s guest-starring as Cobb Vanth to thank for that, watching him swagger hand on a holstered gun much like we’ve seen in both HBO’s Western Deadwood and Tarantino’s most recent film Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

We’re a sucker for a link to the original Star Wars movies, and Marshal Cobb Vanth provides our very first of the season right off the bat as we see him don some extremely familiar looking armour. After striking a deal to help rid Vanth and the villagers of their krayt dragon problem, we see a ‘civilised’ side to the Tusken Raiders we never thought possible. Once oaths are fulfilled, Mando walks away with Vanth’s Fett's Mandalorian armour, leaving us wondering when (or if) we’ll meet its rightful owner. 

Photo: Disney/Lucasfilm

Meeting Bo-Katan

For watchers of the The Clone Wars, Bo-Katan needs no introduction, but for viewers less familiar with the animated series, you might have had to run a quick Google check on her. 

We’re first introduced to her and her two Mandalorian colleagues in the rescue of Mando and Grogu, as we’re re-reminded the lengths Din Djarin is willing to go to defend his little green friend. Seeing other Mandalorians in action was something we’d been waiting to happen since Mando set out to find others of his kind, and it didn’t disappoint. 

As we’re used to characters making cameos and returning at a later time to assist Mando in his intergalactic endeavours, we knew at some point Din Djarin’s and Bo-Katan’s paths would cross again. 

Photo: Disney/Lucasfilm

The first live action Ahsoka Tano 

If John Favreau hadn’t made the production value obvious, he did with the introduction of Anakin Skywalker’s padawan, Ahsoka Tano. Rumours had it we were going to welcome her at some point, and Chapter 13: The Jedi brought them to life. 

From the first few minutes as we see Ahsoka hunt down the Imperial Warlord’s troops on Corvus, I was certain this was going to be the best episode of the season, and for me, it remains that way. Watching her two blue “laser swords” flash and flicker through the dead and desolate forest was incredible, and quite frankly, trumping any Jedi scene to feature in the most recent Star Wars trilogy. 

Let’s hope this isn’t the last we’ve seen of Ahsoka Tano. 

Photo: Disney/Lucasfilm

We meet again, Boba Fett

We finally meet Boba Fett in Chapter 14: The Tragedy, played by none other than Temuera Morrison, the man who plays Fett’s father, Jango, in Star Wars: Episode 2 - Attack of the Clones - albeit a slightly older version. 

But that doesn’t stop him from being a total badass, as he, alongside his mercenary sidekick Fennec Shard, makes short work of a number of Storm Troopers as they launch their assault on the ancient temple on Tython where Baby Yoda is. 

The end of this episode is bitter-sweet. Yes, Mando gains the friendship of both Boba Fett and Fennec, but he also loses Grogu and his ship. While we’re so used to seeing Mando ‘win’ at the end of every episode, it’s tough seeing him take a loss like this one.   

Photo: Disney/Lucasfilm

Coming of age for Mayfeld 

If anyone ever tells you The Mandalorian lacks substance, tell them to rewatch Chapter 15: The Believer. 

After leaving Mando to rot on the prison ship back in season one, we don’t much care for Mayfeld when he is re-introduced in season two’s penultimate episode. Although his second chance is an opportunity for redemption when he’s needed for his ex-Imperial background when infiltrating a mining hub on Morak.

In a tense scene with an Imperial officer as a helmetless Mando and Mayfeld pose as imperial troopers, Mayfeld shoots the officer who gloats over the atrocities committed by the Empire in Operation Cinder. After a brief shoot out with some imperials, they escape with the help of Fennec, Dune and Fett, but not before Mayfeld lands a shot on some rhydonium on the ride out, igniting it and blowing the base sky high. 

The team discover a newfound respect for him, with Cara Dune suggesting it was sad for Mayfeld to have perished in such an explosion, urging him to walk away as a free man in an obvious display of gratitude. Good guy Mayfeld after all. 

Photo: Disney/Lucasfilm

The hooded saviour

An X-wing looking much like Luke’s Red Five we’ve seen countless times in the original movies? It just had to be him. And when Grogu touched the security monitor, viewers around the world knew a Jedi had come to rescue the squad trapped in the cockpit of Gideon’s cruiser. 

So we put two and two together and watched with goosebumps as the figure with the green lightsaber made a mockery of Moff’s Dark Troopers. Where Mando had struggled with trying to dispatch just one of these seemingly unkillable droids, our caped crusader had no problem dealing with the entire lot, throwing in a force choke on the last one for good measure. 

This is the first time we’ve seen Luke Skywalker in his prime like this, and he certainly lived up to his mantle as the strongest Jedi to have ever lived. But while many watched and expected the face of Sebastian Stan to be revealed at the lifting of the cloak, we got something else: A CGI Mark Hamill. An amazing CGI Mark Hamill. I think Star Wars fans around the globe died and went to heaven - simply spectacular. 

Photo: Disney/Lucasfilm

The post-credit scene

This scene left many fans with a lot of questions, but spin-off show The Book of Boba Fett has since been confirmed to air in December 2021, giving Star Wars fans yet more content to look forward to. 

Rumour has it, it’ll air alongside season three of The Mandalorian, and it’s speculation that we could see the two shows connect in some way via a crossover, which would be extremely cool. 

Various other Star Wars shows have been announced to feature exclusively on Disney Plus, so if you don’t want to miss out on all the action, head on over Disney+ on Digital TV and sign up today.

Photo: Disney/Lucasfilm

Star Wars fans everywhere were left underwhelmed with the most recent films, but there’s a bright light at the end of the tunnel for even more stellar Star Wars content - let’s just hope it’s Obi Wan’s lightsaber.

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